This animation was produced with actual victims’ voices of Japanese military slavery. This video was based on Chung, Seo-Woon’s story. She was born in a wealthy family in Jeollanam-do Hadong. Japanese authority confiscated all the brass-ware from each household, he dug the ground and buried them, so he was imprisoned. One day, the town foreman told her that if she works at the factory in Japan for about two years, her father will be released from the prison the same day before she leaves to Japan. Not knowing the truth, she volunteered to go to Japan to release her father from the prison. However, her father was not released and he passed away in the prison. She was not even taken to Japan. She was taken to Indonesia and she was raped several times when she was only 15. Whenever she resisted, Japanese injected opium to her and she became addicted to opium. There was no hope but only misery. She even committed suicide, but failed. She came back home after Korean Independence Day, but nobody was at home. She was the first former Korean comfort woman who stood up and told her stories.
I would like to finish with quotes by her.
“I kept telling myself that I just have to stay alive. They may have killed my body, but not my spirit. That is how I survived.”
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