2014년 5월 13일 화요일

Ikumi Yoshimatsu, The Queen of Beauty and Courage ​ ​

Ikumi Yoshimatsu, The Queen of Beauty and 

 ​I feel so happy that there are people who admit historical wrongs. Also, I hope this become an opportunity for people to know the truth and support comfort women.
  Ikumi Yoshimatsu, the former winner of the 2012 Miss international beauty contest, became an issue after she had talked about the former sex slaves during World War II. She said she was “embarrassed” and “angered” by some lawmakers who did not think it was right to compensate for comfort women. Some people posted harsh comments on her facebook as “international embarrassment” or “dumb beauty queen.” Yoshimatsu apologized on the social media, saying some of her words might have been mistranslated. However, she was saddened by the fact that the comfort women had been forced to undergo such horrific treatment.

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