2014년 6월 7일 토요일

Free Hugs&Holding Hands event @Hongdae

 On May 31st, team 'Hapchang' held a special event at 16:30-18:30 near Hongik University street, Seoul, Korea. We offered "Free Hugs&Holding Hands" and gave Heeum bracelet.  The event was aimed at promoting contest 'Hapchang', spreading love, and raising social awareness about the victims of military sexual slavery. 17 staffs took part in this event and more than 200 citizens joined our event. Huge thank you for those who joined our event. Your simple gesture has brightened our day.  
 Personally, it was a very special experience because it was my first time to organize an outdoor event. At first I was afraid, but thanks to our wonderful staffs and kind citizens, our event was a huge success. 

One of the best FreeHugs pics <3
 There was also another meaningful event nearby, collecting 100 won to help build a school in Latin America. For the last thirty minutes, the two meaningful groups joined together. 

We love you and we won't forget you!

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