2014년 6월 7일 토요일

Military Sexual Slavery by Japan

Comfort women, Professional camp Follower, Sex slaves, ...
Do you know what these words mean?
They look different, buy they all refer to the victims of Military Sex slavery by Japan.
 I'd like to go further of each term and tell you the correct term.
1. Military Sex Slavery by Japan

Military brothels were built by Japanese imperial army during World War II (1930s~1945). 'Military sex slavery' is a legal term which refers to the war crime that enforced ladies to sexual slavery. By adding the word 'Japan', it states that it was occurred not by individuals but the Japanese military. That is why our contest name is a peace sharing contest regarding 'Japanese military sexual Slavery.'
 In English, it is generally called 'comfort women,' but the official term is Military Sex Slavery by Japan.

2. Comfort women
​ What comes up to your mind when you hear the word 'comfort?' For me, it reminds me of my friends or family who are always by my side. I bet many people would feel the same. Actually, the word 'comfort' means to ease grief or distress of someone; or to console someone. It is such a warm and lovely word.


That is why the word 'comfort women' is controversial. Because 'comfort' has a warm and soft meaning, it is insufficent to address the terrible and tragic times that the victims had been through.


  The victims of Sex slavery by japan are often called as 'comfort women.'
Was it a warm 'comforting?'
I mean, did the victims 'comfort' the Japanese military by offering kind words or hugs?
The victims were deceived, kidnapped, and raped several times. Do you think what destroyed their dream, hope, dignity and pride should be called 'comforting?' Some people point out that the word is from the Japanese military's point of view. Many people think the term is controversial.
But people use the word 'comfort women' because it is generally used, it was found in Japanese military document during World War II, ​and there are enough words to replace it.

3. Sex Slavery
​ Other words have been suggested to replace the controversial word 'comfort women'. 'Sex slavery' is one of the proposed words which illustrates the problem more specifically and it is an internationally recognized word. The word 'Military Sex Slavery by Japan' came after from the 'Sex slavery.'

(Totsuka Etsuro,  Not 'comfort women' but 'Sex slves')
Hillary Clinton, a former United States Secretary of State, corrected the widely used term :comfort women" to "enforced sex slaves."  

But  the victims do not want to be called as 'sex slaves' because of its strong tone, we use 'comfort women,' an euphemisitical word.
3. Professional camp follower
​This is also a commonly used term. Camp follower is a term used to identify civilians who follow camps. They do not fight but they provide services to the army such as cooking, laundering, liquor, nursing, sexual services and sutlery. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_follower)

(Hungarian War photographer Robert Capa)

  'Camp follower' is an inappropriate word for the victims of military sexual slavery by Japan. Most of the victims were enforced, which means it was totally against their will. However, 'war follower' means they 'volunteered.' for the war for some reasons. They did not volunteered but they were forced to. ​They were defrauded, sold for debt, their town was invaded by Japanese military etc. For these reasons, 'camp follower' is not a right term.

4. JungShin Dae (Voluntarily committing body corps for labor)
    Some people call the victims as 'Jungshin dae'(meaning voluntarily committing body corps for labor). But they do not mean the same.
   'Jungshin dae' was created to supplement the loss in labor during the war. In 1943, 'female labor Jungshin Dae' was announced and they created 'Korean female labor Jungshin dae.' Many Korean women were drafted and worked at war factories, shipbuilding plants, steel factories. They were underpaid and abused.

People thought Jungshin dae and the victims of military sex slavery were the same because, they were both enforced by Japanese military. But "labor Jung shin dae" refers to women who worked to supplement the loss in labor not
'female labor Jung shin dae.' And sexual slavery and labor abuse is different, so it is incorrect to use the term 'Jung 
shin dae' instead of victims of  sexual slavery.
To sum up,

'Military Sexual slavery by Japan' is an official term, 
and 'sex slave' is more correct and internationally used term.  

'Camp follower' is not an appropriate term 
and 'Jungshin dae' is not a correct term.

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